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Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders, such as binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia nervosa can not only be physically, emotionally, and financially draining, but can also prove fatal. HartoHeart Inc. employs licensed, post doctoral psychologists and counselors who have been trained to handle eating disorders quickly and effectively, while avoiding relapses.

online counseling!

wellness therapies offered

Dr. Hart will identify and diagnose the eating disorder that ails you or your loved one and provide the most effective treatment to eliminate anorexia or bulimia nervosa based on the unique needs and triggers that caused the development of the eating disorder in the first place.

Image by Patrick Tomasso

Anxiety and Depression

We can treat depression and various mood disorders. Give us a call.

Image by Patrick Tomasso

Trauma, Child Abuse, PTSD

We offer one-on-one, virtual, and group therapy. Contact us today.

Image by Patrick Tomasso

Eating Disorder Treatment

We will identify and diagnose eating disorders. Contact us today.

Image by Patrick Tomasso

Parental Alientation Syndrome

We promote, respect, and care for ALL parties involved. Contact us.

Image by Patrick Tomasso

Marriage & Family Therapy

We have decades of experience with marriage therapy. Contact us.

Image by Patrick Tomasso

Self-Injury & BPD Therapy

We offer counseling as a means to encourage personal growth.


there is always hope

At Hartoheart Inc., we provide psychology, counseling, and therapy services with complete confidentially, care, respect, and non-judgment.  We provide the most pragmatic and effective solutions to treat mental health disorders or enhance your life as a lifecoach. 

welcome to

hartoheart Inc. 

At HartoHeart Inc., you can rest assured that you will receive the most effective treatment in the area and leave with an enhanced sense of self and hope for the future. Contact us today to discuss your situation or that of a loved one. You are not alone, and we are here to provide care and support.


therapy from the comfort of your own home

HartoHeart Inc. exists to provide virtual counseling for those who need someone to talk to. We offer state-of-the-art care through our online and telepsychology services. Receive amazing care without leaving  your home!


experienced and compassionate 

We are licensed, full service psychologists and counselors with years of experience in several different schools of psychology. We specialize in individual, marriage, and family counseling, anxiety and depression, trauma, child abuse, PTSD, and parental alienation syndrome. 

no more waiting rooms

Telepsychology and virtual counseling has allowed our clients to reap the benefits of traditional therapy from the comfort of their homes. Receive the help you need without all the hassle of traffic and waiting rooms. 





our advantages

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Eating disorders

  • Trauma, child abuse, and PTSD

  • Parental Alienation Syndrome

  • Women's counseling

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  • Licensed and trained

  • Decades of experience

  • Flexible scheduling

  • Affordable 

  • Effective treatment

  • Unwavering support


Contact us today for professional in-person and virtual counseling with Dr. Hart


(708) 829-4840


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If you are afflicted by a mental disorder or seeking counseling to decide what steps to take to better your life, then you've come to the right place. Director and psychologist, Dr. Janell Hart, is an experienced psychologist, specializing in the treatment of trauma, PTSD, and PAS. Ever since she was a child, Dr. Hart has been fascinated by the brain. This passion has driven her to learn everything she can about effective treatments for conditions that affect the brain. In addition to the many counseling, therapy, and psychological services offered at Hartoheart Inc., aptitude testing and diagnostic evaluations to identify learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, and dyscalculia are also offered. Contact HartoHeart Inc. today to learn more about the psychological and counseling services Dr. Hart provides and obtain your free estimate. 


Do you accept insurance?


Yes. We are proud to say that we are now accepting most insurance carriers. Give us a call to see if your provider is one that we accept. 


What are the benefits of using insurance vs. self-pay?


The biggest benefit for most people is that when you pay using insurance, the cost of treatment is typically more affordable. We recommend that you contact your insurance provider before your first appointment to find out about your plan’s coverage for the services we offer. Some of our clients prefer not to use their insurance company so they do not have to release information to their provider. Some insurance companies also limit the number of sessions that an individual can utilize each year. We suggest raising these questions with your insurance provider so you can determine how to best receive the care you need. 


What forms of payment are accepted?


We offer an online payment option to pay for services securely through PayPal. Click on the ‘Buy Now' button by the map on our website to be directed to the page where you can make a payment. PayPal accepts all major credit cards. If you are having difficulty with the PayPal website, please reach out to us through our phone number or contact form and we will be happy to help.


What is therapy like?


Therapy will look very different for everyone. Generally, you can expect to discuss current events happening in your life and your personal history relevant to the issues being discussed. You will usually be asked to report progress or insights gained from the previous session. The length of therapy will depend completely on the individual. Some clients need short-term therapy, while others require long-term to deal with difficult patterns. The more you put into your therapy sessions, the more you’ll get out of them. Active participation is important to get the results you desire. We recommend continuing the work outside of your therapy sessions. For example, some clients like to read a relevant book or journal on topics mentioned in their sessions. How you choose to participate and take action is up to you, but we are here for you each step of the way. 


Are the therapy sessions confidential?


Yes. We believe that confidentiality is one of the most important components between a client and their therapist. Therapy requires a high level of trust to be successful. What you discuss in your sessions will not be shared with anyone without your written permission (to update your physician, attorney, etc.) State law and professional ethics require therapists to break confidentiality in the following situations:

  • Suspected past or present abuse or neglect of children, adults, and elders to the authorities, including Child Protection and law enforcement, based on information provided by the client or collateral sources.

  • If the therapist has reason to suspect the client is seriously in danger of harming him/herself or has threatened to harm another person. 


What is telepsychology?


Telepsychology is the delivery of psychology services via video conferencing. Telepsychology is slowly becoming more popular amongst clients. Telepsychology has allowed us to deliver quality services to clients in the comforts of their homes. This can potentially eliminate some of the reluctance people feel when seeking out a therapist. Telepsychology has also allowed us to improve access to care. You no longer have to worry about traffic or driving long distances to get the care you deserve. If you live in a small community or are unable to find a provider near you that is covered by your insurance, telepsychology could potentially be a great option for you. The comfort level of the client is one of the best predictors of a positive therapeutic relationship. Your safety is our top priority, we follow all HIPAA Privacy and Security guidelines. Contact us today to find out more about telepsychology. 


Do you offer group therapy?


Yes, we can provide group therapy as a form of support and engagement. We often offer group therapy for women’s counseling and for those who suffer from eating disorders. 


What does marriage counseling consist of? 


Marriage counseling, or couples therapy, gives couples the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, and problem solve. Marriage counseling typically brings couples or partners together for a joint therapy session once a week. These counseling sessions are generally short-term, but the duration will depend on the couple. Dr. Hart will help you pinpoint and understand your sources of conflict and attempt to resolve them. Marriage counseling will often help you learn the skills you need to solidify your relationship. If you bring your arguments and fights into the session, Dr. Hart will never pick a side but will act as a mediator to help you cope with and resolve these arguments. 


What is Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)? 


Parental Alienation Syndrome is the deliberate attempt by one parent (and/or guardian/significant other) to distance his/her children from the other parent and in doing so, the parent engages the children in the process of destroying the affectional ties and familial bonds that once existed. Treatment of PAS is difficult, but Hartoheart Inc. has been working with PAS clients for the last 15 years and have learned how to productively coordinate the many facets of this treatment. 

All information provided is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between Hartoheart Inc and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Information is subject to change without prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, Hartoheart Inc makes no guarantees of any kind.

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